Friday, August 29, 2008

Back in Action

For some time now I've been without a suitable camera, but alas, Dan has fixed my problem...with some tape! I would say duck tape, but I opted for painter's tape - less residue.

So, without further adieu, may I present a picture snapped just hours ago....

Another Great Quote

I heard a great quote today:


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Do you really want to know how old I am? Can't you tell by the picture on my profile? is my birthday today and that always causes me to think how fast time really flies. There are a couple of quotes I'll share with you today:

1. Life is a vapor. Fire and paper. (Little Big Town)
2. "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall..." (The Bible)
3. Carpe Diem (Dead Poets Society)
4. Seize the moment of excited curiosity on any subject to solve your doubts; for if you let it pass, the desire may never return, and you may remain in ignorance. (William Wirt)

Life is here and then it's gone. Today causes me to reevaluate what it is I'm doing worthwhile with the few days I have here. I feel I'm right where I'm supposed to be, but still, sometimes, I feel restless. There's so much to do and so little time! So much to explore, so much to still learn.

I'll leave you with one little and interestingly significant fact about August 26 (other than that's MY birthday!): Today in 1920, women were given the right to vote in America.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The feeling of being hurried is not usually the result of living a full life and having no time. It is, on the contrary, born of a vague fear that we are wasting our life. When we do not do the one thing we ought to do, we have no time for anything else - we are the busiest people in the world."

-Eric Hoffer

Do you do this, too?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Looking Behind and Looking Ahead

This picture was taken four years ago, when these beautiful girls were about to turn 7 years old!

Tomorrow, they'll be 11!

Where has the time gone?

I was just thinking that on August 19th, last year, I was in the hospital for most of the day, wondering if something horrible was happening with the pregnancy. As a result, I missed out on their 10th birthday party with family here. (Side note: obviously, the pregnancy turned out just fine and resulted in child #4)

This year, we celebrated by going to Adventureland of the last days of their season, so incredibly busy. But, we had a blast anyway! Haley will ride anything! Moriah and Brooke did the G-Force about twenty times!

So, with the discovery of the picture above, I'm wondering what 4 years from now will look like. Predictably, we'll be in an election year again. Who will be running against the incumbent O'Bama? (Ok, I'm showing my pessimistic tendencies here - and for you liberals, you thought I was showing HOPE)

Seriously, what will life look like four years from now? They'll be turning 15, will have had a year of driving with a parent under their belts, plenty of babysitting jobs (paying ones that involve someone other than Case), maybe even a job job at Fareway, and will be entering 10th grade. And boys? Gulp.

I like looking through the photo albums, which we've been doing recently, and seeing how fast change occurs. But, it's also a great idea to look ahead. I'm trying to help them uncover those hidden abilities and talents that God's given them in an effort to create a wonderful future. It's pretty exciting to see what kind of women these two will be. Yet, it's such a responsibility! Overwhelming at times. I don't want to get in the way of their growth and maturation.

An old German proverb states: "Begin to weave and God will give the thread."

Another great quote by Stephen Covey: "The best way to predict your future is to create it."

This parenting gig is tough, but it's got to be, bar-none, the most rewarding, challenging, and fun job in the world.

Happy Birthday to Haley and Moriah! Wow, eleven years!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I Cannot Tell a Lie

"I cut down the cherry tree."

Now Dan has yet another thing in common with our nation's first President!


Here's proof that I actually helped - as little as it was - in transforming the space into a laundry room.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Baby's First...

So today I decided not to cart Case in his carseat from the parking lot to the grocery store. Combined, they weigh 30 or more pounds. I left the car seat in the car and brought the baby boy with me in my arms instead.

I set him in the little area of the cart where you'd normally put the eggs or bread or a purse.

And I have to admit, he was so cute! He really enjoyed himself. Of course, he held on for dear life for about the first minute or so, but once he figured out he wasn't going to fall or anything, he really enjoyed sitting there.

Unfortunately, I didn't have a camera...and even if I did, I probably wouldn't have snapped a pic. You'll just have to use your imagination and trust me...he was cute!

Monday, August 4, 2008

54 Days

until the Quad City Marathon....(gulp)

Will I be ready?

Not likely.

Am I still wanting to do this?

Not really. A Half-Marathon is easier! (And shorter, duh) The training is brutal and time consuming.

Why bother then?

Because I have always wanted to accomplish something I viewed as impossible. I want to cross off an impossible feat off of my "Things To Do Before I Die" list.

What else is on that list?

Not much anymore! I've erased most of the more adventurous, dangerous, expensive, and exciting things, and have replaced them with more noble things.

Formerly on The List:

1. Parachute or skydive
2. Deep sea dive
3. Drive a race car 200 mph or faster
4. Speed ski (downhill) - been there, done that

My more noble items:
1. Show more and more respect and love to my wonderful husband
2. Raise respectful, self-controlled, God-honoring children
3. Make it my ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind my own business, and to work with my hands
4. Replace my selfish tendencies with thoughts & actions towards others

So, there may be a few more adventures still on the original List. Like I haven't erased my desire to travel the world. It's just sort of on hold during this phase of life. And I haven't erased my desire to explore my artistic gifts in art & design. Again, on hold. Besides continuing to build a stronger marriage day by day, this season of life is dedicated to four little creatures entrusted to me and Dan. They're a huge responsibility and I consider it such an honor to be their guide through these short years.

So...54 days. More training to get in. More thoughts creeping around my brain. May I run steady like the Tortoise.