Monday, March 31, 2008

I am not immune

All winter long, I've been kind of bragging about the positives of the flu shot that I got six weeks after Case was born. It seemed I was immune to everything! Not even a cold!

That has all changed. I'm down and out with what I believe is the flu...the one you probably got, too. And if you haven't, you probably will. Normally, I'm much more optimistic, but I am writing under the influence. I've got an assortment of bottles and teas around me right now.

This has slowed me down significantly. I had to cancel classes this morning, thinking I could teach this afternoon. I had to cancel classes this afternoon. The laundry service has gone on hold, too. The wall paper scraping is just waiting for me to be well.

The kids are having a wonderful day, though! Moriah made pancakes for everyone this morning, making them into shapes even. Haley has been waiting on me, like the nurses did in the hospital! Case gets lots of attention during his wake time, and Brooke has been fluttering around all day, wearing her soccer clothes in anticipation of her first soccer practice tonight!

When my white blood cells have fulfilled their mission, I will begin to write more. For now, good night (it's 2:10 pm).

Friday, March 28, 2008

Blogging Newbie

Ok, so I'm conforming....a little. I thought I'd try out this new craze of blogging.

I hope to write some thoughts concerning family, politics, philosophy, education, running, and maybe a few other topics along the way.

If you stumble across my blog and want to make a comment, please do! I love the exchange of ideas and opinions. we go!