Friday, September 18, 2009

It's a Zoo out there

Lunch time - Don't Feed the Animals!

Case: "Puppy!"
Me: "No...that's a Bear!"

A Couple of Monkeys
A Couple of Monkeys

Case: "Horsey!"
Me: "Giraffe"

We went to the zoo today with the home school group. It was a busy day! It was fun to watch Case see all the new animals. Had beautiful weather and a great day.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What Case Does While We Do School

Field Trip

This is from the first day of school (August 20th) - a field trip with the Home School Assistant Program. There are many trips ahead, and many that we won't take part in due to our school schedule, having a toddler, and so on. Some coming up include the Niabi Zoo, Bison Ridge Farm, Galesburg, and more.