Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wow, it's been awhile since I've updated!!!

Well, we had a showing today. Haven't heard back from realtors yet, so not sure about how it turned out.

For MONTHS, nothing, then a phone call last a wreck, a sleepover in progress, projects started & quickly (if you call 8 hours quick) putting the house in order.

Soccer season has been in full swing, and we have four more games.

Haley and Moriah had a babysitting job last night (during those 8 hours previously mentioned) and thoroughly enjoyed it.

School is going by quickly, and this year seems so much better for me, as the kids are doing more learning on their own.

Case is almost two! He's becoming more bold.

Life is good.

1 comment:

Eric and Pam said...

Wow. Isn't it crazy that our kids are old enough to babysit?!! :)

I hope the house showing went great. Thinking of you all!