Sunday, November 23, 2008


This is Friday evening in the ER. Haley has had her blood drawn, had the CT scan, and if you look at her left arm, it's ready for an IV. Moriah is giving her a hug.

This is immediately before the surgery outside of the OR. I think the time was around 12:15 am (Saturday). The doctor & nurse gave Haley a little black bear. Dan was trying to convince her that she would not remember any of this. But, she says she does.

This is Haley on Saturday afternoon, probably around 4:30 pm. She was not looking too well, and she still had quite a bit of pain. She went back into the bed after about 15 minutes in the chair.

Here's Haley on Sunday morning, around 9:30 am. She's looking better and is doing better with the pain. Her IV will come out sometime today, they'll have her walking a little more, and maybe she'll come home tonight!

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