Sunday, July 27, 2008

And the Renovations Continue

Dan's made major progress on the attic this weekend:
  • Finished electrical outlets, switches - including moving a switch
  • Finished plumbing - the laundry room is another step closer to being finished!
  • Mud & tape
  • Brought up some scaffolding & installed casters so he can slide the contraption around - In case you're wondering why he needs scaffolding in an attic...well, the ceiling is pretty high, so he's able to mud and tape those drywall joints over his head without climbing a ladder
  • Moved a bunch of stuff and cleaned the area

While he's been up on the third level, I got inspired to do something about our master bath. We've lived here for five years now. Way back on week 2 after we moved in, I pulled off all the ugly wallpaper in the bathroom. And that was where I left that project. There was mold under that wallpaper and the mold didn't go away in five years! So, I tackled the walls. Primed, skimmed, sanded, primed again. I still have a few places to sand and skim again, prime again, etc. Hopefully, I'll be able to apply paint sometime this week! Also, I have to sand down the trim, which has a bunch of layers of alligator-like paint. I'll repaint the trim, too. This project is more time consuming than I ever thought it would be.

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