Wednesday, October 29, 2008

By Moriah

Our lives can be compared to an orchestra.

The leader is the Lord our God,
the instruments are his people
the notes are our actions.

If there is a misprint,
or if people misread the music wrong,
they get lost and stray away.

Sometimes the instruments that have strayed away
from the Lord our God
will distract others and they will stray away.
Pretty soon the orchestra will sound like mush.

But the Lord our God will straighten it out
and we will play praises to the Lord
for the rest of our days.


So, just a note: this was a languages arts assignment which required her to use symbolism in her writing. She was to create an 11-line (or more) poem in the style of the Psalms. I thought this was pretty good - I wanted to share it! Wow...she must have a really good teacher, huh? :)

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