Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Day

The big news in Muscatine today is that the house three doors down from our old house on Mulberry Avenue was being MOVED. It's a large Victorian house that will be moved 3/4 mile to its new location on Iowa Avenue. A film crew from TLC (The Learning Channel) has been in Muscatine for the past 10 days filming the process. So, now the house is "parked" in the Art Center parking lot and will make its way up Cedar Street, then up Fulliam, and turn onto Iowa tomorrow...

(picture courtesy of Dan's phone - view from Mulberry Ave)

Next, it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL today. I/we spent most of the afternoon outside in our backyard, skimming off the leaves of the pool, raking leaves from our garden, discovering the strawberry plants in the corner, and all the great plants that are beginning to push through the dirt.

Now I'm tired and dirty, enjoying American Idol, looking forward to a tall glass of water and a warm shower.

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