Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Longest Run Ever

So here I am dripping after my longest run ever. 17.2 miles.

I got up at 5 am with these intentions in mind:
Case normally sleeps until 8 am, sometimes later, so I should be back by then. I will have imposed on no one. Not my husband, who could sleep in. Not the other kids, who could also sleep in and not be required to "babysit." I would be back in time to help start everyone's day, help get paint...possibly even defy my fear of high heights and help paint.

Intentions. What's that saying about the best intentions....?

Well, I made it back in 2:57.20. That includes a 3 minute potty break at the Ymca.

Just as I'm arriving, I see Dan pulling out. I'm thinking, "Menards." So I call. His painting has to be put on hold for now, for the helpful and wonderful man he is, he is giving his Saturday to his parents, helping prepare for a family reunion to be held there tomorrow.

Here's where those well-laid plans don't go the way you think they should...he told me Case woke up on and off from 5:45 am on. So much for my dh getting a restful night of sleep.

Before I left, I said a prayer. I don't usually do that, but I'm so glad I did. It helped clear my mind and keep me focused. I also am grateful that it was answered. However, now I see I should have prayed for others, not me.

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