Sunday, May 18, 2008

A New Name for Mama 26.2

I might have to change the name of my blog.

This morning, I set out to run 10.5 miles in preparation for the marathon this September. Right at the end of mile 7, I had a knife-stabbing pain along the outside of my left knee. I stopped, stretched, walked, stretched, and started again for about 10 seconds when the tortuous pain returned. I ended up hobbling home. Luckily, it was only a mile from home.

I was making pretty decent time on the run, and feeling good. The weather was awesome - upper 50's, sunny. I was carrying my Gatorade, listening to some pretty good tunes, and felt great until the knee episode.

Hopefully this will be a minor setback. Maybe some new shoes will prevent this from occurring again, and I'll be back on track. If not...well, how does MamaFast5K sound?

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